Thursday, August 21, 2008

#4: Houseplants

I love my houseplants. They bring color into your home. Most houseplants are low maintenance. Got allergies? Most houseplants clean the air and improve air quality. Some houseplants are a bit more work but I find the ones that require more work are also really rewarding to have in your enviornment because of their beauty.

Note: Houseplants are not fun if your ferret gets loose and digs them up.


Unknown said...

What kind do you recommend for those of us with inadvertent black thumbs?

Buttercup said...

Well....Draconeas are pretty hardy for the most part and don't require a lot of water. Basically any plant that doesn't like a lot of water and likes moderate light would be easy to mantain. I like Draconeas because they are one of the main plants that filter the air. Rubber plants are also good because they don't need a lot of attention and they are pretty.